TSM Micronutrients

Total Soil Management

TSM soil fertility recommendations are calculated with the grower in mind.

  • Our main goal is to eliminate soil fertility problems which can limit yield. This in turn helps achieve maximum economic yield.
  • Each grower controls the fertilzer budget but usually budgeting is determined by what dollar amounts would be spent in conventional programs.
  • With the TSM program our goal is to provide the correct fertility and pH for each crop, which can reduce plant stress and improve both soil tilth and water management along with increasing yield.
  • For those growers with livestock we can help wtih manure management moving toward the goal of balanced soil feritlity using both the manure and commercial fertilizer.
  • Each grower receives a soil fertility plan by farm and by field on an annual basis.
  • This program is effective on both no-till and conventional tillage, with recommendations designed to establish a proper relationship and balance of nutrients which enhance crop performance.

Visit the links below for more yield and product information on these new products from TSM

TSM Micro-Boost Foliar

TSM Micro-Boost Pre-Mix

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TSM is Agronomically sound.
All principles are based on reputable research and practices. No "magic potions", just solid agronomics.

TSM is Economically sound.
Our company helps the grower increase net profits for a maximum return on fertilzer costs.

TSM is Environmentally sound.
Environmental considerations are factored into each recommendation.